AmiStation ORDER FORM Prices subject to change without notice. TO: Date: ____________________ Duane K. Fields PO Box 1315 College Station, TX 77841 USA FROM: Name: ____________________________________________________ [Company]: ____________________________________________________ [Title]: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip Code: ______________ Country: ___________________________ Phone: _________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Backdoor password: __________________________ (16 characters max) Write this down! If you forget your password, you will have to mail me a SASE requesting me to look it up. If you wish to change this password in the future you will have to get a new copy. Same replacement cost as obtaining a program update. ======================================================================== Registration fee for AmiStation is $10.00 (ten dollars) Overseas users should include an extra $3 to cover expenses ======================================================================== TOTAL ENCLOSED ______ Payment method: ( ) Check ( ) Cash ( ) Money order ======================================================================== AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:__________________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________ DATE:________________ ======================================================================== TERMS: Check, US POSTAL Money Order or Money Order drawn on a USA bank in USA funds made out to Duane K. Fields. All orders outside of North America should include an extra $3 cover my mailing costs. Please allow a couple of weeks for delivery. ======================================================================== 1) How did you find out about AmiStation ( ) Friend ( ) BBS ( ) Usenet News ( ) Other ________________________________________________________ 2) What do you especially like about AmiStation (as many as apply) ( ) Nifty login panel ( ) Usage log ( ) Pricing ( ) Backdoor feature ( ) Support ( ) Finger utility ( ) Documentation ( ) User editing ( ) Other ________________________________________________________ 3) What do you especially dislike about AmiStation? (as many as apply) ( ) Nify login panel ( ) Usage log ( ) Interlaced login ( ) Pricing ( ) Backdoor feature ( ) Support ( ) Finger utility ( ) Documentation ( ) User editing ( ) Other ________________________________________________________ 4) What other features would you like to see in AmiStation? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5) What problems have you found with AmiStation? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________